Northern Diamondback terrapin for sale
We have some gorgeous captive bred baby Northern diamondback terrapin for sale as well as well started 6-month-old baby diamondback terrapins for sale. Diamondback terrapins are freshwater or brackish water turtles with diamond-shaped markings and grooves on the scutes (plates) of their carapaces (top shells). The color which ranges from medium gray or brown to nearly black.
Diamondback terrapins are endangered in many parts of the United States and are available for sale where legal from captive turtle farms, like the turtle store. Our Diamondback terrapins for sale are all captive bred and raised in freshwater. If you are looking to raise your new baby terrapin for sale in brackish water, you will just need to gradually increase your salinity.
Keeping a diamondback terrapin habitat or tank
Diamondback terrapins are normally kept in large aquariums. Baby terrapins only will requir50-gallon long aquarium, however once fully mature, they really should be in something larger. We recommend a 90-gallon long tank for a pair of terrapins.