Large tortoises for sale
Looking for a large tortoise for sale or a giant tortoise for sale? At the Turtle Store, we have the largest selection of captive bred large tortoise for sale anywhere in the USA! Working with giant and larger species of tortoise is our passion. For decades we have bred and worked with over 25 species of tortoises including all the larger species! The turtle store specializes in working with 100% captive-bred turtles for sale and tortoises for sale. Turtle store produces hundreds of captive bred baby leopard, Sulcata, and other large tortoise species.
The most economically priced, and the largest is the African Sulcata tortoise, also known as the African Spurred tortoise, or spurred tortoise for sale. Our sulcata tortoise for sale come from some of the finest sulcata breed stock in the world. We offer traditional african sulcata tortoise for sale as well as albino sulcata tortoises and Ivory sulcata tortoises for sale online.
Leopard tortoises for sale
The key to raising healthy baby leopard tortoises for sale is really humidity. It is a common mistake for new tortoise owners to assume since leopards are from Africa, they need it dry. All too often baby leopard tortoises are raised in too dry of an environment, dooming their fate as they grow. We have been working with baby leopard tortoise for decades and have really “cracked the code” on raising healthy baby leopard tortoises that are well started to go to their new homes and thrive.
Leopard tortoises sure are popular! Did you know that the 2nd most popular of all the large species of tortoises is the leopard tortoise? If you are thinking about buying a captive bred leopard tortoise for sale, choosing the right leopard tortoise breeder (like us!) is key. Pardalis babcocki Leopard tortoises for sale are available throughout the year but the key is getting them from a leopard tortoise breeder who knows about raising them right.
Giant tortoises for sale online
Giant South African leopard tortoise or giant leopard tortoises for sale, are also known as African leopard tortoise is the larger subspecies of Leopard tortoise. Giants are also known as the Pardalis Pardalis leopard tortoise. These guys reach up to 18-24″ in size and are darker in color. South African leopards have multiple “dots” on their vertebral scutes, known as “double dots”. Also, Giant South African leopard tortoises have a more speckled body color and more of a mustard colored skin tone.
If you are considering a large tortoise for sale or even a giant tortoise for sale you have come to the right place. The largest species of tortoise that we currently work with is the Giant Aldabra tortoise. If you are considering an Aldabra tortoise for sale, we recommend the well started baby aldabra tortoise over the more fragile aldabra tortoise hatchling. Aldabras are not cheap! That’s correct, if you want a real Aldabra, be prepared to spend roughly over 3000.00! Aldabras are a very rare animal and are priced accordingly. Be sure to find the right aldabra tortoise breeder (us!) and do your research on proper Aldabra tortoise care. Remember, once a small baby tortoise, some of these giants get huge!
Choose from the Adult tortoise size, they’re all small as hatchlings!
Be sure to choose your new shelled family member by way of their adult size! Sure, all baby tortoise hatchlings for sale are small and cute, but what about when they’re grown? Looking at baby tortoises is fun and intriguing, but before choosing what species you’d like to give a forever home, think about their size.